Moving Hearts In The Zone.

Since the establishment in 2003, Heaz has been understanding 

brand message and making the best creative design solutions 

that move clients’ hearts.

This is the reason that you need to choose Heaz 

when you have momentous decision.

Please check our creative and refined works loved by local & international clients.

branding & 

design communication 


Brand Planning / Brand Design (Planning / Visualization / Application)

Identity, Naming, Slogan Tagline, Concept Planning, Story / Logo, Graphic Elements, Color&Material, Typography

Brand Experience Design (Public Relation / Sales Promotion)

Label & Package, Special Package, Promotion Package, Press kit, Influencer kit, Brochure & Catalogue, 

Advertising, Main Key Visual, Promotion Web Page, Website, Mobile App, DM(Digital Marketing), MMS, Social Media Contents


Print, Produce, International Shipping

heaz design


We plan and proceed with great projects with many various brands and clients, but we cannot proceed with all brands.

HEAZ will approach the brand with strategies for various customer needs.

Depending on each project, the creativity and style of different concepts will become 

a new culture and a design platform through the HEAZ design Alliance.
T +82 2 545 1758
3-14, Nonhyeon-ro 12-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

HEAZ is a registered trademark
2023 HEAZ all rights reserved.

운영시간(한국) 10:00 ~ 16:00
/ 점심 시간 12:00 ~ 13:30,  주말/공휴일 휴무.

| 서울특별시 강남구 논현로12길 3-14(개포동) / (우) 06312

| 계좌정보 : 국민은행 204401-04-027910 (주)헤즈

대표이사 배명섭
/ 서울특별시 강남구 언주로 107길 32 / (우) 06312

| 사업자 등록번호 211-88-14645
| 통신판매업신고번호 제 2015-서울강남-02643 호
T +82 2 545 1758
3-14, Nonhyeon-ro 12-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

HEAZ is a registered trademark
2024 HEAZ all rights reserved.

운영시간(한국) 10:00 ~ 16:00 / 점심 시간 12:00 ~ 13:30,  주말/공휴일 휴무.

(주)헤즈 | 서울특별시 강남구 논현로12길 3-14(개포동) / (우) 06312       계좌정보 : 국민은행 204401-04-027910 (주)헤즈

대표이사 배명섭 /  서울특별시 강남구 언주로 107길 32 / (우) 06312

사업자 등록번호 211-88-14645
통신판매업신고번호 제 2015-서울강남-02643 호